Who is Smarter? Me or My Samsung S3 Classic Smart Watch?

Who is Smarter? Me or My Samsung S3 Classic Smart Watch?

My new Samsung Gear S3 Classic Smart Watch

Sunset in Herndon, Virginia…7:23 pm.

Daylight Savings Time, time to start working out again.

After a gluttonous six days of traveling we returned from our trip to Florida on Sunday.  Our excursion included an unexpected drive and a night in Richmond as a result of the one inch snowmageddon that cancelled our Tuesday Southwest Airlines flight out of Baltimore  causing us to be unable to reschedule a flight out of a DC area airport until Friday at the earliest.

Now back, with the extra daylight, extra few degrees, and the some extra pounds, I parked my truck and headed out at my favorite mile marker on the W & OD trail and began my second run of the week.


“Warm up for five minutes” a woman’s voice said.

(Wait, who is talking to me?  Wait…it’s my watch?)


“Three minutes left until the main exercise starts”

(Main exercise? I am dying here, this isn’t the main exercise?)


“Walk briskly during the warm up”

(But I am running, I can’t get any more warmed up!)


“You’ve reached the next stage, speed up”

(Next stage? What next stage? Should I fire up the booster rockets?)


“Slow down, you’re going too fast”

(So I slow down)


“Looking good”

(Hey…Looking good!)


“Great pace”

(Great Pace?)


“Slow down you are going to fast”

(So I slow down more but I am walking now, and I don’t want to walk, so I start running again)


“Speed up for 4.0 miles per hour”

(Wait, I am at my fast pace and I am only doing 15 minute miles?)


“Slow down a little”

(My wife bought me one of those Samsung S3 Smart Watches…)


“Speed up for 3.8 miles per hour”

(This is the first time I am wearing it on one of my runs…)


“You are running too fast”

(Can you make up your mind?)


“Try a little harder”

(Okay that’s it! I am walking out the rest…she’ll probably call me a wimp next)


“You have reached your target”

(No, actually I think I may have found my target, and I will hit it as soon as I find my hammer!)



Don’t get me wrong, I love my Samsung S3 Classic Smart watch.  When I was growing up, the only person who had a watch that you could talk through was Dick Tracy, so this is the stuff of comic books and imagination.  And, when someone sends you a text message, it provides you with really short to the point responses so you don’t have to fuss over it.

Kim text message:  Can you pick up the dry cleaning.

Me and my watch responding with canned response: Roger that

And it’s done.


But can you imagine it’s a Saturday in July and you have a laundry list of things to do, and the watch on your wrist keeps reminding you:

“Hey that garage isn’t going to get any cleaner with you sitting here on the deck.”


“Move faster, we still need to cut the grass.”


“Slow down, take it easy, you are hot, maybe have a cold beer.” (Well, that might be okay)

But seriously, who wants to be prompted and reminded of what you are doing or not doing in real time, especially while zoning out on a nice run?


So I have a great idea.

Since I love to run and I love the relaxation that running brings to me;


I love my new watch, that bought for me by wife, who I also love;

I think I am just going to be old fashioned and keep my new watch for communicating like Dick Tracy did, and use my Fitbit for running!


Looking good?


Roger That!

“I picked up the dry cleaning honey”



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